
Well, thank you for bearing with me with my blog, and for still checking in regularly, even though I haven’t been on too often~

I have been busy making all kinds of orders and am finding it hard keeping up with my website, blog and facebook….I’ve posted a few of my latest Sweet Thingz in this post….please visit http://www.sweetthingz.ca to see ALL of my recent creations.
I have created a “Newest Sweet Thingz” tab on my webpage where I hope it will make it easier for my frequent viewers to be able to see what I have been up to!!!

Thank you for your continued support and business!


In Business~

Thank you to my dear friend Andrea, who helped me design the stickers I wanted to help advertise my business~ What do you think?? Have made 2 fabulous orders to take to Kingston this weekend! Really excited to see people reactions~ Also getting to have dinner with Dad and Mom tommorow which I am really looking forward to. Happy Weekend~ Will post pictures once the orders have been received~

Enjoy Xoxoxo